For a couple of years now we have wanted to go back to Disneyland Paris as Holly has never been and she absolutely loves the Disney Princesses and Minnie Mouse. Me and Tina went there many moons ago before having children and then we took the two boys about 6 years ago or so. For some reason we never got around to taking Holly as the kids always voted for beach type holidays for our main summer vacation. Finally this year we bit the bullet and went the week after half term staying for 4 nights / 5 days at the beautiful Davy Crockett Ranch.
We decided to drive to France to have a bit more flexibility with the travel and also it meant we could take a load of food for breakfast and picnic lunches so as to avoid the extortionate park prices. The journey started early with the alarm clocks going off at 4am then we had the 6 hour journey to Paris. The kids were all amazing on the journey and entertained themselves with films and music. In the end we only stopped once and that was on the Eurostar, but even better than that - no one suffered travel sickness.
We arrived at Davy Crockett Ranch about 11am and things just got better and better. The ranch was Western themed and done extremely well. We were not supposed to be able to get in or accommodation until 4pm but when we checked in at 11am they said it was ready immediately. This meant we had time to chuck all our cases in the lodge, have a quick freshen up and then head straight over to Disneyland to begin the fun.
For our first nights evening meal we had booked the Buffalo Bill's stunt show dinner which was just amazing. We were all given cowboy hats each in support of our green team and then enjoyed an amazing Western themed Disney show whilst enjoying some good food and drink. The kids loved being able to make loads of noise as they were encouraged to bang bowls together, smash cutlery, chant, clap, stamp there feet etc.etc. It was just a fab night out which started our holiday off in the most perfect way despite us all being very tired after the early start.
When we eventually got back to our room we had 3 very tired little kiddies who had had a very long day, done lots and lots of steps and had to get up early the next day to make the most of the magic hour in the parks.
Arrival at Davy Crockett Ranch, this is where we had to check-in. |
The kiddies were keen to explore and to find out if our accommodation was available. |
The lodge had two bedrooms, one for me and Tina and then the 3 kiddies all shared a room together. |
There were some nice little touches in the lodge such as the Disney bedding sets. |
Our lodge had a nice little patio area with a bench to sit at and get eaten alive by gnats. |
Mickey Mouse soak and shower gel in the bathrooms. |
Settling in to the main living area of our lodge. |
After a quick lunch and freshen up we headed straight over to Disneyland to start the fun. |
I warned the kids they were going to be asked to pose for many pictures for Daddy and that the quicker we got them done the quicker we could get on the rides. |
Holly;s first trip to Disneyland. |
Quick selfie with the kiddies whilst Tina was off getting a photo pass and Holly;s autograph book. |
This was one of the boys favourite rides - Hyperspace mountain. Unfortunately Holly was too small for it. |
Holly's favourite ride was Thunder Mountain - I think over the course of the 5 days we must have went on this at least 10 times. |
On day 1 we didn't go on the Mississippi steam boat ride, but it does make for a good picture against Thunder Mountain. |
Me and Bee nipped off for a go on the Indiana Jones coaster which was a surprisingly good ride with an unexpected loop. |
Holly wasted no time and bought a set of Lion King Mickey Mouse ears whilst ma and Bee were on Indiana Jones. |
Exploring some of the caves. |
Brandon by a waterfall in the caves. |
Tina and the kiddies. The pirate ship behind was closed for refurbishment. |
Brandon photo bombed this picture that Holly wanted taken in front of the skull. |
Love this picture of Holly. |
Anyone for a Mad Hatters Tea Party. |
Josh putting on a brave face as we go on some of the smaller rides for Holly. |
Brandon riding the train. |
The rain started coming down late in the afternoon but it didn't stop us. We just hit the boat rides knowing you would get wet anyway. |
Luckily Tina knew all the settings to tell Holly what characters they were as I was absolutely useless. |
In to Aladdin cave. |
A wet Brandon trying to look cool. |
Holly exploring inside the Princess castle. |
Is that Cinderella behind Holly???? |
Great views across the park from the top of the castle. |
The stained glass windows in the Princess castle are amazing. |
Holly wanted pictures taken in front of every one of the windows. |
Tina and the kiddies in front of the Disney Castle. |
Holly was very scared of the Dragon that lurks underneath the castle and didn't hang around long down there. |
On the way back to Buffalo Bills the kids were getting peckish so we stopped for some ice-cream. |
Nice little touch with the Mickey Mouse wafer. |
We 5 Kings with a green cowboy hats on ready for Buffalo Bills in the Disney Village. |
Joshua now starting to get fed up with pictures and not wanting to smile. |
Waiting for the show to start. |
Goofy came out to entertain the crowd with a western band playing. |
Inside the Buffalo Bill show waiting for a food and for the horses etc to come out. We had an amazing night. |
The boys messing around in the village after we left Buffalo Bills. |
The mickey Mouse in the background is actually made of Lego believe it or not. |
The boys both bought a cowboy bandanna thing from Buffalo Bills. |
I couldn't miss an opportunity to have a picture with a Corvette. |
After a long day it was back to Davy Crockett to have a quick exploration before turning in for the night. |
Brandon trying out a cowboy saddle. |
There was a lovely fire pit in the Ranch which you could sit around and chill with drinks late in the evening. |
And after Day 1 we ended up with 3 very knackered kiddies. |
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