Wednesday, 26 October 2011

No More Gates

Finally.........we have two flights of stairs, 3 hallways, 2 landings and in the past as many as four stair gates to make it safe for the boys. Slowly the stair gates have been removed and last week the final one came down. So after 4 years we are now free from the indoor gates. The kind of became pretty useless given that both boys can open them!!!

Anyway how about this picture. Boys will be boys. Amazingly little Brandon has enough strength in his legs to drive around the kitchen and conservatory with Josh planted up on the roof.

Great news that this winter the boys will get more use out of their stunning Norge jumpers that came all the way from Norway. And just how well do they go with Joshua's new birthday hats.

Everyone knows I am not a big motorbike fan but it was with great sadness to see the death of Marco in the MotorGP this last week. I only hope that the boys never take to motorbikes and stick to running or cycling like me. Somehow I think Brandon will always be a car nut! Joshua though, well he could be more problematic. A recent trip to Toys R Us and clearly he has an early interest in motorbikes!

Finally how scary is this. The boys all dressed up in their Halloween costumes for this year. The Gruffalo suit was supposed to be for Joshua, but he has grown so much that it no longer fits. So Brandon has happily taken on the role of Gruffallo and Joshua is a mean fire breathing dragon/crocodile.

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