Saturday 8 March 2014

Holly in her Inflatable Ring + Football Coaching

First update for today's blog is regarding Joshua's football training. He had a great session today and in his training match today the final score was 3 - 0 with him scoring a hatrick and thus the only goal scorer. As a result of the great player and goal scoring he was awarded one of the Player's of the Week trophies.
Players of the week March 8th 2014 L-R : Sam, Josh and Jake.
After Joshua's training session I went over to watch Brandon in his Under 5's and there was only 2 coaches taking all the boys today. So I volunteered to help as Joshua's Under 6's training finishes as Brandon's Under 5's starts, so I would only be standing around watching anyway. As it turned out I ended up running the whole second half of the session as the other two coaches seemed a bit lost for ideas and seemed to welcome someone fresh stepping in. I don't mind helping them out when they are short of coaches, but one of the other coaches asked if I would be interested in joining them full time. As much as I would love too, there is just no way I can coach Under 5's and Under 6's at the same time. So I think I need to politely advise them I will help out/ assist but not join there team full time. Brandon did enjoy having his Dad over there coaching today though.
Holly is getting stronger at sitting up now and is really trying to pull herself forward. To help encourage this further we have started to let her use the inflatable play ring which Tina's little sister gave us. Holly seems to really enjoy sitting in here probably more so than she does her door bouncer or walker. It is also really good to put her belly on the side of the ring to get her pushing off her arms and lifting her head up high.

Holly strikes a Superwoman pose in the inflatable play ring.

Just adorable.

Brandon sneaks in a picture for a quick head snuggle.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Well done Josh on scoring your hat trick and love Holly's Supergirl pose! xxx