Friday 14 March 2014

Brandon gets Star of the Week

Good news as Brandon finished off this school week by being awarded the "Star of the Week" for continuously trying hard with his reading and writing. So proud of the little guy. We have laminated the certificate for him and will put this in his keep sake box.

Brandon proudly shows his Star of the Week certificate.
On a very different subject I can confirm that short of a miracle there will be no more little brothers or sisters for Josh, Brandon and Holly. We have 3 beautiful, healthy kids and given mine and Tina's age we have decided that we are very content with 3 children and as such I decided the sensible thing was to get a vasectomy this week. Of course as I sit here typing this in considerable pain I am wondering whether this really was the best solution with regards to family planning!!!!

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

Well done Brandon, you are doing so well in school. Very proud of you xxx