This years Boxing day event at our house was one of the biggest ever with 17 people in total, and that number will grown in the future with the exciting announcement that Zoe and Nick are going to have a baby in around 6 months time. The family has faced many triumphs and tribulations over recent times but was stronger than ever today and mum would have been looking down on us all and been so proud.
Joshua, Brandon and Holly did amazing all staying up until way gone midnight but had an absolute blast of a day. We had all the usual activities and games plus lots of new things to keep everyone entertained. The beer pong and cup stacking seemed to go down very well with Lisa and Matt being crowned champions of the stacking with times in the low 2 seconds.
The Christmas jumper competition was an easy winner with Auntie Nicky's interactive jumper which featured Velcro stick on baubles which you had to throw at the tree on her jumper. Holly absolutely loved it and the jumper was good enough to beat mine and Tina's naughty/nice joined jumper.
Everyone got some very lovely presents as always and weirdly enough this year the presents was delayed to quite a lot later in the day where as previously it has always been the first thing we did. Shortly after the presents we pulled the giant "I'm a Secret Santa - Get Me Out of Here" cracker which is always bedlam. So much fun but also heart breaking seeing hours of craft work destroyed in a matter of seconds!
Also new and very popular this year was a new PlayStation game called "That's You!" which is very interactive and played using your smart phones and IPAD's to connect to the game and TV. It's really fun and suitable for all ages to play against each other, so even Holly is capable of playing 5 other much older people.
Anyway here is just a very small selection of photo's from the days shenanigans.
Holly throwing some Xmas baubles at Auntie Nicky's Xmas tree jumper. |
Merry Xmas from me, Josh and B at our festive photo booth. |
It's Santa Holly and Rudolph Lisa. |
This is what Holly looks like after eating chocolate cake. |
Lisa was champ of the cup stacking comp with times in the low 2 seconds. |
David on the cup stacking. |
Auntie Lea didn't quite get the idea and was more - cup demolition. |
Superman could only manage about 2.5 seconds - so not as quick as a speeding bullet. |
A little game of ping pong cup catch. |
Finally Holly's mouth is just about big enough for the smallest "Say it Don't Spray It" mouth piece. This looks so wrong. |
Auntie Lea making music with Holly. Matching Xmas dresses for Holly, Lea and Tina. |
Playing "That's You" on your phones and IPADS's to interact with the PS4 on the TV. |
Me and Tina with our joined naughty/nice jumper and being photo bombed by Holly. |
More photo booth time. |
Brandon making sure he gets his quota of tickles throughout the day. |
Really nice picture of me, Nicky, Lisa and Min together. Mum would have loved this. |
Time for presents and 17 people in the living room is a squeeze, but we managed it. |
As usual we worked our way around the room one at a time so everyone got to see what presents everyone got. |
Whilst we had everyone in one room it was a good time to pull the giant cracker. |
All my hard work about to be destroyed. |
Going, going.......... (Josh lying under the cracker ready to catch the presents). |
......And the cracker is no more. |
One of B's presents was some new PJ's - "Just 10 more minutes" - that is so true for B. |
Lisa in the photo booth. |
Holly and Lisa playing a Candy Cane game. |
Amy beating up / tickling Joshua. Epic loss for Joshua as he was owned. |
How many Candy Cane's can you count on Lisa? |
Nicky, Tina and Lisa all starting to get a bit tipsy and singing Xmas songs in the kitchen. |