Friday, 22 December 2017

Ginger Bread Houses

Staying with the festive activities we let the 3 kids build their gingerbread houses today. I think they all did a fab job even if it was hard work dragging B off the PlayStation to do his. In the end I think they all ate more of the icing than what they used building their houses. Holly was first to crack in to eating hers within minutes of finishing it, but first she pulled off all the sweets which she had just spent the last hour sticking on.

Joshua eating more of the icing that what he used to stick his ginger bread house together!

Holly showing the bag of decorative sweets that 30 seconds later were bouncing all across the kitchen floor.

Brandon starting the construction of his house.

Looking good for Josh, I taught him well.

Joshua needing little help this year and doing his ginger bread mostly on his own, albeit rushing a bit.

After recovering all of Holly's sweets from the floor she starts to decorate her roof.

It's a big thumbs up from Brandon.

Joshua working hard and nearly finished.

Holly pointing out the mistakes in Brandon's house and telling him how to do it properly.

Holly needed help building the house but then she did all the sweet decorations herself.

Joshua's finished house.

Brandon adding the final touches.

Sitting back and admiring her work.

Ta-da all 3 of them with their finished ginger bread houses.

Wasting no time at all, Holly cracks in to her ginger bread roof.

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