And the final Elf update for 2017. The 24 days have gone pretty quickly as it seems like only yesterday we were welcoming Peppermint and Buddy joining our festive family fun. So Christmas Eve is upon is and the last few nights the Elves have been very nice to the children leaving them some gingerbread and a Christmas Eve box.
The Elf on the Shelf ideas have been running a little dry towards the end of this year and some of their antics have lacked the usual creativity. However this years top idea definitely goes to the Elf rear window wiper which they attached to the S-Max. The kids loved this one so much that they have made me leave it on the car all month and as we drive around they get me to put on the rear wiper so that the Elf waves to the car behind. Its quite amusing though and often puts a smile on their faces and we have even had the odd driver wave back at us.
It looks like all 3 kiddies made it on to Santa's nice list as they received a note from their Elves a few nights back. Joshua's was for getting MOTM at football and for reading his David Walliams book that the Elves got them. Brandon got on the nice list for improving his hand writing massively and for progressing to development in his boxing. Last but not least Holly got on the nice list for singing so well at her pre-school concert and learning to write her name.
On Xmas Eve the Elves brought all 3 kiddies a Xmas Eve box along with a farewell letter. The boxes were all hidden in different places in the house so it was like a little treasure hunt for the kiddies. Within the Xmas Eve boxes were loads of goodies such as DVD's, sweets, bath bombs, new PJ's and so on. Before heading off to bed tonight the kiddies all gave their respective Elves and farewell hug and then set them down by the little Elf door with their tiny little key. So for another year we bid farewell to Candy Cane, Buddy and Peppermint.
Day 16 and the Elves had a genius idea to add a waving Elf to the S-Max rear wiper. |
Pictures do not do this justice, you need to see the video of the Elf waving. Its great. |
Day 17 and the Elves played around with the magnetic letter to leave a little message for the kids on the fridge. |
Day 18 and the Elves went in to Bond mode creating a zip wire across the living room. |
Zip wire action as an Elf hangs on for his life. |
Day 19 and the Elves had borrowed the boys fire engines from their bedrooms and were practicing fireman carries down the ladders. |
The poor fireman getting chucked over an Elves shoulder for rescue practice. |
Day 20 and the Elves decided no TV or PS4 for the day with "Elves Being Naughty" tape. |
Day 21 and it was a popcorn movie night on the kids I-pads. But they did bring "Nice" notices for all 3 of them as well. |
Joshua, Brandon and Holly with their "Nice" notices, Holly insisted her baby held hers and was in the picture. |
Day 22 and the Elves were very naughty and cooked (well burnt) marshmallows over a candle on the cooker. |
On day 23 the Elves were again good and brought the kids some ginger bread Xmas trees and some bean boozle beans.
Day 24 and the kids all got Xmas Eve boxes, Joshua's was hidden behind the Xmas tree. |
Brandon's box was hiding in the downstairs toilet. |
Holly's box was hiding under the kitchen table. |
Farewell letters and Xmas Eve boxes from their Elves. |
Farewell hugs for the Elves from Josh, Brandon and Holly as they say their goodbyes for another year. Loving all of their new PJ's which were in their Xmas Eve boxes. |
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