This week has been absolutely manic with Xmas carol concerts, Xmas plays, pantomime visits and so on. Brandon had to do a Xmas carol concert over at Miracle House this year like Joshua did last year. He seemed a little uninterested in the singing and only really smiled when he looked over at me and I grinned back at him. I think it might have been different if they were singing Linkin Park. He did look good wearing his "I Rock Xmas" t-shirt and his turkey hat though!!!
Joshua did a variety show this year which unfortunately I missed due to a work Xmas meal. Apparently he had to sing a group song and then a class song. Both boys then went to watch the "Beauty and the Beast" pantomime at the Queens theatre. Brandon is taking after my own heart as apparently he found it really boring and the teachers reported that he fell asleep during the show!.
Holly has also finished pre-school for this year now and today we had the absolute pleasure of watching her singing a little Xmas carol concert at the Tree House Club. She looked adorable wearing her school made glitter reindeer Xmas hat and sang amazingly. They had even taught the kids the sign language for "We wish you a merry Xmas" as they sang the song.
Brandon rocking the Miracle House Xmas concert. |
Holly on her last day at pre-school for 2017 wearing her reindeer hat that they made. |
This is Holly and Paige who is her key worker at pre-school. |
Here is a selection of Holly's amazing Xmas art work that she brought home today (a little too much glitter for my liking!). |
As I was off work today Holly got to cycle to school and used her baby seat that she got for her birthday for the first time. PS Holly now pedals and steers the bike on stabilisers all on her own. |
And as today is Xmas Jumper day we thought we would add a picture of all of us wearing Xmas jumpers/t-shirts. |
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