Saturday, 15 October 2011

Elephant and Lion Drawing

Well now that the holiday blog updates are out of the way I can get back to some other news and updates on the boys. Next Tuesday is the big day for Joshua as he turns four. He is now getting very excited and is counting down the days. Its hard to think that he is nearly four and such a little man already. I keep thinking to myself that if you assume he goes off to Uni or college at around 18-20 years old then effectively I am 1/5th of the way through the time that he will be with us, how scary is that.

Joshua is really starting to show a talent for drawing and his latest works include a lion and an elephant (see below). I am particular impressed with the elephant as he has captured the trunk, eyes, legs, body etc.

Brandon is still proving to be extremely stubborn with the potty training. We knew it would never go as easy as with Joshua who was fully dry and in pants at this age. But no amount of bribery with stickers or coins seems to entice him onto the toilet/potty.

Finally Joshua came out with another comment the other day which was pretty difficult to respond too. I came home from work and found out he had been to school with a big rip in the knee of his jeans. So after telling him his has loads of clothes and that there is no need for him to wear clothes with holes in, his return comment was, "But Matthew wears jeans with holes in!" - referring to his cousin wearing his trendy jeans with splits in. Touche.

1 comment:

Auntie Lisa said...

wow, this is really cool, he is ahead of the game on where children are at his age with their drawing skills. A gifted and talented child I foresee