Sunday, 17 August 2014

1000th Blog Milestone

What a historic occasion. This post is the 1000th update that I have posted on to this blog since I began writing it back in 2007. To think I was going to stop blogging at 500 posts. Whoever would have thought it would still be running 7 years later with over 13,600 views of the blog, thousands of pictures uploaded, 243 comments left and 7 hard back blog books printed from its content. The blog has grown into one of my most prized possessions right up there with our wedding photo album and is absolutely priceless to me. As I look back through some of the old volumes you can really get a sense of just how valuable these blogs will become in years to come. It is a photo album and story of how my beautiful family has grown and developed capturing every important little detail of our children's lives into one central resource. I am so pleased that I started this blog and have stayed disciplined enough to keep it going over the years and updated regularly. Based on my experience I would whole heartedly recommend any new parent to start a similar blog - you won't regret it.

A special thank-you to who have reliably printed my blogs into the hard back volumes and provided an absolutely fantastic service over the years. The quality and delivery of the books all the way from the US is second to none.

It would be really great if family and other readers would share their most memorable moment with Joshua, Brandon and Holly on to this post. Either add a comment yourself or alternatively send me your favourite picture and any accompanying text and I will add it to the bottom of this post.

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