Friday 15 August 2014

Cyprus Holiday Day 1

On our first night Holly had a bit of a bad night as she had another one of her top teeth coming through and we didn't sleep great as the beds were not too comfortable.Once we all woke up we stared first full day by exploring the resort and getting our bearings.  The hotel pool was split into 3 sections and was absolutely massive. The beach was a 1 minute walk out of the back of the hotel and the water park was a 2 minute walk to the side of the hotel. We had a lovely cooked breakfast and Holly enjoyed a bowl of strawberry yogurt. After breakfast we spent the morning in the hotel pool as we had a meeting with the holiday rep at 10:30am to get a low down on the island and to look at any excursions that we might be interested in.
Anyway being day 1 of our holiday and being Holly's first holiday  was a bit trigger happy with the camera.
Joshua and Brandon standing by the main hotel pool with their new "Trainee Lifeguard".

The pool is quiet early in the morning and Joshua dips his feet in the little childrens pool.

Holly enjoying her strawberry yogurt for breakfast.

The beach on the back of Electra Village was just a small walk and had its own water sports centre.

Joshua practicing some snorkeling in the pool before we get out in to the sea.

Another underwater shot of Joshua snorkeling. Brandon had a little go but the snorkel is still slightly too big for his mouth.

Joshua and Brandon relaxing in the sun on their little Spiderman lilo.

Joshua enjoying some time in an inflatable ring.

Brandon leaping into the pool in an attempt to land on the lilo.

An interesting picture of Brandon playing bat and ball taken through the hole of an inflatable ring.

Holly basks in the glorious weather and enjoys her first dip in the pool.

Beautiful little Holly sitting in the shallow end of the pool playing with a ring.

And then a ball.

Quick selfie of me, Holly and Brandon.

The resort had some lovely hanging flowers which made a good backdrop for some pictures.
So with the morning pool fun out of the way we took a nice long lunch to get the kids out of the mid day sun. Brandon was happy as he found chicken nuggets and chips. Joshua wasn't eating too great on the first day and was being quite sick. We are not sure whether he had some dodgy water or whether he was just overly excited. He was desperately wanting to eat but just kept bringing everything up again. Luckily this only lasted a day and he was back on top form with the food and drink. Anyway after lunch we decided to pop over to our Water Park which was included in the "all inclusive" package. The boys absolutely loved the water park as the lifeguards were very relaxed about the height restrictions. A lot of the slides were minimum 1.2m or even 1.4m, but Joshua and Brandon were allowed to go on every single one.

Joshua coming out of one of the smaller kids slides.

Brandon going down the multi slide.

Brave Brandon getting ready for one of the larger slides.

The water park was well laid out and not too big that you couldn't keep an eye on the kiddies as they ran around enjoying themselves.

Joshua coming down one of the bigger slides.

Brandon splashes down at the bottom, one happy chappy.

Joshua going down the really big curly slides.

Brandon was even allowed to ride on thee slides!

Around and around he goes.

The Pirate ship and play area.

Joshua and Brandon enjoying cooling down in the lazy river.

Half way around the lazy river you get a good soaking from these overhead spheres.

What a great idea, a water seesaw.

I think Joshua and Brandon are a bit on the big side for the little pirate ship slide.

Me and my boys.
Probably the most hair raising rides in the park was the Sidewinder which is supposed to be for 1.4m and above and in theory should exclude both boys. But they were both allowed to go on it! Brandon loved it and screamed every time he went down the initial drop off. I tried this ride a few time and it really feels like you are free falling and going to come out of the inflatable ring. 

Joshua on Sidewinder.

Brandon screams as he rapidly goes down the initial drop off.

I think the Sidewinder was Joshua's favourite slide.

Brandon smiling as the Sidewinder comes to an end.

Brandon relaxing on an inflatable in the main pool.
The water park featured an genius idea for babies which was basically a baby swing which hung underneath an giant mushroom to shelter them from the sun, but allowed them to walk around in the shallow water. Holly absolutely loved just bouncing up and down, spinning herself around or simply just trying to walk in the water whilst in the chair. 

A genius idea of using a baby swing type device for the little ones.

Holly thoroughly enjoyed these baby chairs.

Our beautiful 3 kids enjoying their first holiday together.

"I'm just chilling!".

Tina holding Holly to go down the small pirate ship slide as Brandon waits at the bottom to catch her.

Then it was my turn.

Holly absolutely loved being held up in the shallow water and learning to find her feet.

Can you spot Joshua and Brandon getting a right royal soaking in this picture.

Selfie of me and my daughter.
To get Holly asleep in the evening, me and Joshua took a walk along the beach and stumbled across this rather small church!
Our first evenings entertainment in the hotel included the kids mini disco followed by a parrot show. Joshua and Brandon loved the parrot show especially when the parrots rode a scooter and a bike on the stage. 

Tina, Holly and one of the show parrots.

After the show the boys had a quick game of pool before we headed back to our room for a good nights sleep.

Brandon eyeing up a long shot.
Day 2 includes our first day at the beach and a very exciting water sport experience for me and the boys.

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