All good things come to an end and this blog brings to and end the updates from this years summer holiday to Cyprus. The two boys really didn't want to come home, Joshua in particular kept saying that he wants to live in Cyprus!
Our final day was spent around the resort and in the morning there was a clown by the pool bar to entertain the kids and blow some balloons for them (pretty pointless really as with over 40 degree temperatures the sun was just popping all the balloons). The clown man also bought along a load of baby parrots which he was letting you have your picture taken with. So we managed to get a rare family picture of all 5 of us and a few parrots thrown into the mix.
Joshua meets the clown with his baby parrots. |
The parrots in their house. |
Such beautiful colours. |
A pretty pink one just for Holly. |
A stare off with a parrot. |
When Brandon went up to hold a parrot the clown hit the nail right on the head. He said to Brandon, "Do you know who you remind me of, little Mowgli off of jungle book!". You know something, he has got a point here. Check out the pictures below.
Is this Brandon? |
Or is this Brandon? |
Brandon/Mowgli with a parrot on his head. |
Brandon having a farewell goodbye with his pet kitten. |
Josh has got more chance of getting a jet bike than Brandon has of getting a kitten. |
Our first family picture on holiday (sorry for some reason the blog wouldn't rotate it). Poor Holly knew nothing of the parrot on her head. |
Brandon showing great balance standing on a float ring with me laying underneath. |
We 5 King;s say our final farewell to the water park. |
The last super before we head back to the room and get the cases all packed. Don't be fooled by the clean table, with 3 kids this was trashed after a 3 course dinner! |
Joshua out doing some last minute shopping - on a donkey. |
Lean, mean and tanned Brandon looking cool. |
The main entertainer at the resort was called Anis and he was absolutely fantastic with the kids. No matter how busy he was he would always make time to stop and talk to them and say hello. He loved little Holly and she would stare at him like he had two heads!
The kids say bye to Anis. |
I really do enjoy our family holidays and it was great to get away from Essex, work, training and just have a complete break and free up my mind. The downside of relaxing and not keeping as active as when I am at home is that it gives me a lot more thinking time. On holiday I found myself thinking about Mum a lot more and realise just how much I miss her. I find myself walking around souvenir shops and getting really sad and emotional when I see anything related to owls, or souvenir teaspoons or thimbles etc which we would always bring home for Mum. Then there is the postcards - it still doesn't seem right to buy a load of postcards and not send one back home to Mum.
Overall a fantastic holiday which I would recommend to other people. Great family friendly resort, great weather, great food. Some fab memories with the kids and it makes me proud to be able to give them these sorts of opportunities. Holly has grown so much in the two weeks, she is eating just about anything and had made great strides with her mobility due to walking in the water. When Tina booked this years holiday I really wasn't completely sold on taking Holly abroad at such a young age, but I have to say that she has been an absolute dream with just the one minor scare when she got a little ill. I know she won't remember anything about this holiday, so she can enjoy my blog in years to come. So until the next holiday - THE END.
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