The last two weeks have been absorbed with blog updates from holiday and there has been so much going on since our return. So this blog is a bit of a catch up from recent events over the last couple of weeks.
On a recent shopping trip Holly found this double buggy and seemed to enjoy pushing it around the store. |
Another lovely picture of Holly playing with a toy washing machine one of Tina's friends gave her (shame Holly keeps pulling the door off). |
Holly enjoying a nice bowl of ice cream. Well enjoying wearing it. |
On return from holiday the boys both completed their latest grading on their first karate session back and successfully passed. Joshua is now on 3 tags and Brandon is on 5 red tags. As Brandon recently got picked for the Chelsea foundation training on a Friday night he will have to now move karate to a Wednesday night with the bigger boys. He went for the first time this Wednesday and was scared to join in due to the size of the other kids. Hopefully next week we can overcome this problem.
Joshua and Brandon proudly showing their karate grading certificates. |
Of course one of the biggest events in the last 2 weeks was the boys returning back to school with Brandon now a Year 2 and Joshua a Year 3 junior.
Brandon looking very smart in his new uniform ready for Year 2. |
Joshua all dressed up and ready for the juniors. |
Holly saw the boys getting their school pictures done and wanted her picture taken, she is getting very photogenic now. |
Since getting back from holiday the football season has kicked into full swing which means my weekends are now super busy as I manage and coach two teams now, Brandon's U7's and Joshua's U8's. So pre-season training has commenced and we have already competed in 2 pre-season tournaments. Joshua U8's team are absolutely on fire and playing some awesome football absolutely destroying the opposition. Last weekend Joshua scored 2 in one game and was close to the hatrick.
Brandon's U7 team has not quite got off to a good start with the pre-season. Obviously the boys have only been together a short time and I have only been coaching them for 4-5 weeks before the end of the season. So we have a lot of work ahead of us to get them ready for the start of the league on 20th Sept. At last weeks tournament they lost every game and didn't score a single goal. However they did show improvement in each game and most importantly they all came off o the pitch with a smile on their face and got a nice medal for their efforts. Fingers crossed they can get some better results at Trinity this weekend.
My newly formed U7 team. L-R Freddie, Ashton, Kye, Max, Brandon and Harry. |
A storming start to pre-season for the U8's. L-R Joshua, Ryan, Alfie, Ethan, Alex, Lorne and the injured Max. |
Coach Lee and coach Jason with our U8's at the Essex Royals pre-season tournament. |
Coach Jason with my newly formed U7 team. Work in progress here. |
We have been very pleased to announce new sponsors for both the U7's and U8's for the 2015/16 season and the new kits arrived last week. I have to say they look fantastic. The U8 home kit is proudly sponsored by Auntie Lisa's art studio, The Laboratory and the U7 team has a new away kit sponsored by Rose builders.
The U8's new home kit. |
Proudly sponsored by the Laboratory. |
Joshua wants the number 9 shirt for this season. |
The new goal keeper kit is a little on the bright side! |
But the Lab logo looks great on it. |
Photo bombed by Holly. |
Brandon models the new U7 away kit sponsored by Rose. |
Rose builders colours look good on the yellow away kit. |
Brandon will play number 7 for 2015/16. |
The away goal keeper kit is slightly more toned down in a light blue. |
Again Rose logo still looks good. |
Since the boys Beaver summer camp they are both obsessed with fires and cooking marsh mellows. So we managed to pick up a bit of a bargain chimenia for just £20 and the boys absolutely love it. We have been chopping up some old decking to burn in the fire and then cooking everything from march mellows to bits of pork. The Beavers speciality is to cook a marsh mallow until soft and then squish it between two chocolate digestive biscuits!
Our new bargain chimenia to keep us warm and cook some tasty snacks. |
Joshua seemed to think the sun glasses protected his eyes from the smoke. |
Decking make a good source of fuel and soon got our fire going real good. |
Both boys getting stuck in there and cooking some marsh mellows. |
The heat funnelled out of the top is immense and soon gets the marsh mellows all nice, brown and gooey. |
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