10. Very early start today to get a 8.45am coach to Loro Park at the North of the island. It always amazes me when you travel from South to North in any of the Canary Island's just how notable it is that the landscape changes from baron brown volcanic rocks to such a lush, green landscape. Holly was sick on me before we
had even left the resort but then fell asleep the whole journey. Joshua lasted
until 3 mins before we got there and he was sick as well!!!! So not off to a great start.
The queues were
pretty immense getting in but luckily we had tickets in advance and skipped through. We saw a few animals on the entrance and went
through the penguin world which was amazing. Then we headed to the orca show
which was just incredible and the highlight of the day. Joshua was amazed as he
is always googling killer whales so to see them live and get a good soaking
from them was amazing.
We then watched the dolphin show, sea lion show and the
parrot show. The parrots were the most disappointing and the sea lions the most
humorous. Once all the shows were over we had just over an hour left to rush
around and see the white tigers, jaguars, shark aquarium, alligators, and a few
other animals. To be honest we could have done with at least another hour
there. In the end we didn't have time for the Rio 3D, the kids play area, to look at our
photo or visit the gift shop. We were last ones back on the coach in just a nick of
time. Loro Park really is a world class attraction and worth every Euro, by far our best day on holiday so far.
When we got back to the hotel we had a nice bbq dinner then we played some football and the boys and me watched
the dance show/competition whilst Holly and Tina went to bed as they were both
feeling groggy. Joshua clearly doesn't take after me as he won a bottle of champers in the dance comp and B won a
mini disco cd. Both had a really good time dancing and collecting tickets for
the dance competition, especially to Uptown Funk! After the show me and the boys had a late
beach walk where they bought these led flying things that you ping up in the air about 30ft with an elastic band.
There was so much to see at Loro Park that this blog update is a bit of a picture fest.
Hedge elephants at the entrance to the park. |
Holly was fascinated by all the koi at the entrance. |
The first animal we saw was a big silver back. |
Then out if no where there was 3 gorillas. |
And as if by magic the gorillas had a little baby girl. |
The penguin enclosure was incredible with literally hundreds of penguins. |
There was a conveyor system that took you through the penguin enclosure. |
Next we saw the aquarium with loads of rays, tuna and sharks. |
Unusual flat shark. |
My beautiful family in the aquarium. |
My boys off to see the sea lion show. |
Up close and personal with a very prehistoric looking iguana. |
Just chilling on a warm rock. |
The main attraction, the Orca show. The arena was absolutely huge with 3 big tanks. The park seems to really pride itself on the health and well being of their 5 killer whales. |
Just amazing watching these beasts if the sea catching air time. |
Here you can see the size of them against a trainer. Josh couldn't believe how big they were. |
How do you train an animal this size to leap out if water and spin around on land? |
Showing off them killer teeth. |
Stunning view of the Orca as it swims past. |
Wicked shot of one about to soak the crowd. |
Just amazing, completely out if the water. |
Next on the agenda was the dolphin show. |
Waiting around for the dolphin show to start. |
Whilst queueing someone started whistling and this fellow popped out to see what was going on. |
Finally we get into the dolphin show and get front row seats as a family with a buggy. |
Great photo of 7 dolphins synchronised jumping. |
And an even better shot. |
I remember experiencing this first hand in Mexico many years ago. |
Jumping through a hoop held by a trainer. |
High jumps over a rope. |
Pushing a trainer out if the water and high into the air. |
A boy from the crowd was given a chance to get pulled in a boat by a dolphin whilst other dolphins followed behind leaping in the air. |
And a final leap goodbye. |
One fir Auntie Nicky, the otters. |
A bit of play fighting. |
Our next show was the sea lion show which was very humorous. |
One very large sea lion leaping off of the high rock. |
We found some high wire bridges which allowed you to see some stunning birds in a mire natural environment. |
Another close up picture I am proud of. |
My boys up high in the trees. |
One of my favourites, the alligator. |
Running out of time, we rush through the shark tank on the way back to the exit/entrance. |
Nice false grins boys. |
One of the sharks swim overhead. |
The end of a top day out and Josh gongs the bell for a good deed done. |
Then Brandon's turn. |
Time to dash back to our bus. About 3 mins left and counting. We got our monies worth!!! |
Joshua and Brandon at the dance competition. |
Strutting their funky stuff. |
Following the dance moves from the entertainment crew. |
The two boys were dancing for about 45 mins solid. |
And Josh wins a bottle of Champers for his efforts. Thank you son, but ill take that. |
Brandon wins a mini disco cd. Love how Brandon's longer hair is looking and the sun us making it go lighter. |
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