Friday, 8 June 2018

Brandon's Year 4 Residential School Trip to Wat Tyler Park

3 weeks' ago Brandon set off on his first school residential trip to Wat Tyler Park (this is the same trip that Joshua went on last year). He was supposed to stay from Wednesday to Friday but we had to cut his trip short and pick him up Thursday night as we were flying off to Spain in the early hours of Friday morning. It seems amusing watching a lot of the Mum’s getting all emotional about sending their babies away for their first overnight stay away from home, but for Brandon this was old hat with all his Beaver Camps and staying over at relatives etc. One thing you notice at home is how much quieter and easier it is when there are only 2 children in the house – this is no dig at Brandon as it is the same whichever child is away.
I think Brandon is exaggerating how heavy his bags are!

Brandon and his best buddy Brett.
All ready to board the bus.

Off Brandon goes and not tears from him.

Is that a "Loser" sign he is giving at the bus window?
Dinner time at the Wat Tyler camp.

All of the Year 4 boys together (Brandon wearing the red t-shirt).
Getting ready for en evening exploration walk (Brandon back row left hand side).

Camp fire time - not quite dark enough yet.


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