Day 13 and the reality of our holiday coming to an end was starting to sink in. For the first week I managed to not train for an entire week and just enjoy the holiday. But with the all inclusive and no training I was feeling very guilty by week 2. So as the hotel had a gym I managed to squeeze in 5 training sessions out of the 7 days of week 2. The training was done fairly early at around 7/8 o'clock when all the others were still in bed so it didn't impact on family time.
The only exception to the above was day 13 where I didn't make the early gym session but felt I needed to do some sort of training. So after a morning session in the Spa, me and the boys decided to do a pretty tasty beach WOD. The WOD was basically a 30m AMRAP consisting of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 sit-ups, 20 air squats, run down the beach to the sea, swim out to the second buoy and back, run back up the beach and keep repeating. Each round was taking us around 5 mins so we all got somewhere around 6-7 rounds in the half an hour time cap.
We got some funny looks by people on the beach but we really enjoyed the session. It was real fun getting sweaty in the sand then jumping in the cool sea for a clean up and swim. One bloke on the beach was obviously feeling guilty seeing us exercising so hard and started secretly doing some crunches and ab work whilst laying on his beach towel. Haha.
They don't allow camera's in the Spa area so this was the only picture we got which Tina took from outside. This is about 1/4 of the total Spa area. |
Holly outside one of the restaurants. |
Brandon and Holly with a large Woody on the beach. I am sure this statue wasn't there earlier in the holiday. |
Holly could sit on a beach and play in sand all day long, which was perfect as me and the boys wanted to do a 30 min WOD. |
5 pull ups on the beach gazebo frame to start the WOD. |
Then 10 press ups with chest to sand! |
15 sit-ups and 20 air squats next. |
Then a run down the beach to the sea and swim out and back to the buoy. |
Brandon was a little machine and kept going to the very end. Joshua gave up with about 5 mins left saying his legs were rubbing. |
You know you have done a good WOD when you end the time cap flat on your back. |
The rest of the day was hotel pools, food, mini disco and of course Holly with her buddy Estivee. Only tonight she also met Estivee's friend. |
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