Thursday 21 June 2018

La Pinada, Salou, Spain 2018 Day 10 - RAIN!

Day 10 and when we woke up it was raining. Seems you always lose one day in a 2 week holiday with a bit of rain and today was the day. So in the morning me and the kids went and used the indoor spa whilst Tina sat outside reading. Then we just hung around the hotel playing games with the entertainment crew plus a little bit of table tennis up until lunch. One of the games was a hoop the cone game which Holly had one try at, then me, Josh and Brandon entered the hotel tournament. I am proud to say I won with a whopping 12 out of 15 points.
After lunch we took a longer walk along La Pinada and found a play area for the kids to burn off some energy. At dinner time the boys had started doing a "Pudding Challenge" between them. This basically entailed them both selecting each others pudding(s) in secret and then the ruling was whatever was picked they had to take at least one bite to try it. It was a bit of fun but quite wasteful as they would get 4 or 5 puddings to try and throw most of them away after just one bite. The joys and fun of all inclusive.
Tina getting ready to chill as me and the kids head for the hotel spa.

Joshua playing the hoop game.

Brandon having a go - sun glasses in the rain!

Both boys having a game of table tennis. No rain is going to stop us from holidaying!

As you can see the pool area had a right good soaking (but still warm enough for shorts and t-shirt).

The kids enjoying burning off some energy in the play area we found on La Pinada.

Holly is in there somewhere.

Holly as always enjoys the slide and the swing. Although I had to try all the rain water off the slide first.

I think Josh is too big for this now. But it was funny spinning him around and getting him dizzy.

All dressed up and ready for dinner.

The "Pudding Challenge", this was Joshua's selection for Brandon. Green coke bottles????

And this was the pudding selection Brandon picked for Joshua.

And yet another picture of the mushrooms lit up at night to finish off day 10.

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