Friday 29 June 2018

Holly's "Long" Bike

Last weekend I dusted off the old Trail Gator which we used for Brandon when we wanted to go out cycling with Joshua and Bee was too small to ride on his own. It took me a while to find all the bits and then I fitted it to her pink BMX which we had stored away in the garage.
As you can see from the grin on Holly's face she absolutely loved it and now calls it her "Long bike". At first she was a little confused as to why the front wheel was off the floor and why she couldn't steer, but she held on well and was also pedalling a little bit as well. We had a good old ride around the Wick, but now she wants me to take her over Hadleigh cycle park with it as well!
So Trail Gator this summer - I'll have her cycling on her own next summer.
Holly's first test run on the Trail Gator with her pink BMX. The face says it all.

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