Sunday 8 December 2013

Wickford Christmas Fair

The festive activities are in full swing now with visits to Santa, school plays, panto's, Xmas parties etc.etc. Today was no different as we attended the annual Wickford High Street Christmas fair. Normally the Christmas Fair takes place in the evening and looks even more festive with all the lights on, however this year the Fair was from 12-4pm which seemed a bit odd. The boys briefly got to meet Santa and donated some money in exchange for a lolly. Other than that the main attractions for the boys were the fairground rides and the donkey rides.
Brandon in the back of a fire engine wearing a rather heavy fireman's hat.

We took Holly with us today and she was a little diamond. Not a single cry, no feeds required, no bum changes required. She just laid comfortably in her buggy keeping nice and cosy and warm.

Holly being very well behaved and keeping nice and warm during the Christmas Fair.

Joshua dons a jockey hat ready for a donkey ride.

And off he goes on his donkey ride. Poor old donkey having to wear a Christmas hat with reindeer horns!

Joshua seemed to enjoy himself convincing Brandon to also have a go.

The pony looks like it was the absolute perfect size for little B.

Posing for the camera at the end of his little ride.

I must be getting old as I thought the fair ground rides were stupidly expensive, averaging £2 to £2.50 a pop. So for me and the two boys to go on the twister cost £7.50. Now I know I am tight with money but I am sure everyone would agree this seems a bit steep. So despite not buying much at the fair or getting anything to eat, we managed to spend and awful lot of money!

Joshua chilling on the tea cups.

Brandon looking a bit spin dizzy on the tea cups.

View down the High Street from the top of the fun house (not quite the same festive feel during the daytime).

Joshua negotiating a giant hamster wheel in the fun house.

Joshie in a helicopter round about ride.

Little B opted for the space ship.
Overall a fairly pleasant afternoon out and certainly gets you into the festive spirit. The "Twister" was probably the highlight for me as it is the first time I have been able to take Joshua and Brandon on this ride. It was really funny watching them both raising their hands every time they shouted out "raise you arms if you want to go faster". I think they were just both enjoying crushing poor Dad in the corner of the chair.

1 comment:

Nicky xxx said...

I bet Auntie Lisa will be jealous that you were with the firemen!
I agree Jay, that does sound very expensive! Looks like you all had a good time though. I also remember the many times the girlies enjoyed squishing their mum on the twister ride! xxx