Firstly for today's blog I have a nice little picture of Holly having a cuddle with Granddad after a recent visit this weekend.
A Granddad cuddle for Holly. |
Everyone always comments that Holly is so much like Joshua rather than Brandon and I have to say I agree whole heartily. She is like him in so many ways and as if you wanted any more evidence, 4 weeks old and she is already a thumb sucker just like her bog Bro!
It has taken Holly 4 weeks to discover the joys of thumb sucking. |
Now I remember playing with play-doh and plasticine when I was a kid. But just like everything else it seems to have been improved and upgraded so much over the years. For Xmas we bought the boys each a construction vehicle play-doh toy and I have to say they are the absolute dogs nuts. They have lights, sounds, built in rollers, cutters, extrusions and can mould all kinds of shapes from bricks to cones to rode signs to garbage fish!!! I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy playing with these as much as the boys.
Brandon playing with his construction play-doh set. |
Loading some rubbish into Joshua's dumper truck. |
Just how cool is this for a play-doh toy? They didn't have these when I was a boy. |
Brandon gets very creative and starts role playing with his construction set. |
A lovely picture of Brandon holding his little sister. |
So this blog is called Holly's FAB 1 for a reason and that reason is her lovely new pink car which she got for Christmas. Its a stunning soft toy which she can sit in and is fully supported and padded. It has a plastic key, a teddy doll, a rattle mirror and a musical steering wheel. Earlier today she even had a little nap in her car which was funny, especially when I was telling the boys this is why we don't let women drive because they sleep at the wheel!
Holly's FAB 1. |
Brandon getting in on the picture and enjoying pushing his little sister around in her car. |
A lovely picture of Brandon and his little Sis. |
Woops, another women driver as Holly knocks the wing mirror off of her car. |
Joshua soon wants to get in on the action and push FAB 1 around the living room. Wooden floors are great for whizzing their sister around. |
Finally for today we have a picture of Holly laying down with her giant size Minnie Mouse that Auntie Nicky got her for Xmas. As you can see the teddy is not far off of the size of Brandon and therefore dwarfs little Holly. Certainly a teddy she can grow up with.
Holly with her Minnie Mouse teddy she got for Xmas. |
1 comment:
Re the thumb sucking, I think Holly also takes after her dad for that and not just Joshua.
Some stunning photos of your lovely little ones gain Jay.
Minnie does somewhat dwarf Holly doesn't she?! I just couldn't resist! xxx
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